Viewing articles tagged 'billing'
Create a billing account
Looking to sign up? Welcome! We look forward to working with you. The first thing you'll need is...
How do I get support?
We're sorry you're having trouble and more than happy to help. Please submit a support ticket and...
How do I reset my billing password?
Forgot your password to the billing area? Don't worry, you can reset your password. We'll send...
How do I sign into my billing account?
Your billing account is where you manage your billing details such as payment method, address,...
How do I turn on SMS messaging for my Billing account?
Sometimes billing emails are forgotten. Other times they may end up in a spam folder. If these...
How do I view my hosting account details?
Your account details page is chalk full of stuff. This is where you'll manage your hosting...
What is the Billing Area and what can I do there?
The Billing Area is your place to manage all of your services with Chillidog. You can add new...