You can now pay in advance for Chillidog hosting, by adding funds to your account. These funds will be used to pay new (future) invoices automatically every month. There are a couple of advantages for adding funds to your account:
- Avoid lots of small little transactions which are sometimes difficult to keep track of
- Pay in advance to suit your budget, finances and taxes
- Additional piece of mind that your bills are paid while you’re away
- To bridge a change in bank or credit card providers (during times when you might be without a valid method of payment)
- Avoid potential problems if a service like PayPal or another payment gateway goes down
Prepayments can be setup yourself in your billing area at any time.
Adding account funds
To add funds to your Chillidog Hosting account, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log into your Billing Area through the Chillidog Hosting website using your normal username and password combination. In the menu car at the top, click on Billing and select Add Funds from the menu.
Step 2
In the Amount to Add box, carefully type the amount you want to deposit into your account. Please take note of these following limits:
Minimum Deposit | Maximum Deposit | Maximum Balance |
$10.00 USD | $120.00 USD | $300.00 USD |
From the Payment Method menu, choose either Credit Card or PayPal from the options shown. Click on the Add Funds button when done.
Remember to periodically login to your Chillidog Hosting account (via the billing area) to check your account balance. Keep funds topped-up if necessary. You can always view your invoices by clicking the My Invoices option, under the Billing menu.
Important notes about prepayments
- All deposits are non-refundable. Once you have added funds to your account, you will not be able to request a refund.
- PayPal or your credit card company may conduct additional verification checks, which might slow the process of funds to your account.
- Prepayments can only be used to pay future invoices. Invoices which have already been generated and are awaiting payment will still need to be paid manually.
- Ensure that your account information remains up-to-date. This can be updated in your billing area at any time, if necessary.