Various Stacks, plugins or other add-ons will ask you for MySQL Database information such as:
- Server/Hostname (
) - Port (
) - Database (see below)
- Username & Password (see below)
The Server/Hostname is the server hosting your database. For Chillidog Hosting, please use localhost
If the server is the address, the Port is the door. The Port describes the door that we've left open for connecting to the MySQL database. Please note, for security, we do not allow remote connections (e.g., from your personal computer) directly to the database. The default MySQL port is 3306
The database is the cabinet to hold all of your data. You can have as many databases as you like, making organizing your data easier. Data in databases in further organized into Tables, but that is beyond the scope of this document. You should specify the name of the database you created using the How do I create a MySQL database guide (hint: see Step #3).
Username & Password
The username and password are values created during the MySQL database creation process. Although you can create additional users, we recommend following our helpful guide on creating a database. Please remember, keep your passwords long (at least 8 characters), complex (numbers, letters and symbols) and safe (using a password manager). A password generator is provided to automatically generate a secure password. In order to limit your risk, it is recommended that you do not re-use passwords.
Common Errors
The most common errors when entering your database information are:
- Incorrect database name
- Incorrect username or password (did you remember the cPanel username prefix?)
- Unauthorized access. The username wasn't granted sufficient permissions on the database. Please see Step 5 here.